Saturday, June 5, 2010

Service Project

Today was our service project at Yanuario Quesada. Together we developed an emergency evacuation plan in case of an earthquake. We made signs, and posted them all over the school indicating the evacuation route. Also, since the school had no signs at all, we gave each classroom numbers, female and male sings on all the bathrooms, and posted signs over the library, office, and front entrance. After buying all the supplies, we realized we had some left over money in our budget. As a group we decided to put it to good use, and bought gallons of paint, to cover up the graffiti on the walls. In addition we also bought trash bags and cleaned up the school grounds. We are so excited to know that the students will return to school on Monday and notice the significant differences on their campus. After all that hard work, we came home and relaxed in the hotel room. Tomorrow we are leaving Escazu, and heading to Arenal for more exciting adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Great project! It will certainly make a huge difference to the students, staff and faculty.
    By the way, the guy with the power tool is my OLDER brother. Oh, wait, today, June 6, he is my OLDER, OLDER brother. Happy Birthday, Gary, with love from your family here in the U.S. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
